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15 natural ways to get relief from Migraine pain

Migraines are no ordinary headaches, which can hamper your daily life. Here are 15 natural ways to get relief from migraine pain.

Migraines are no ordinary headaches; they come with pounding pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. If you’re seeking relief, here are 15 natural ways to get relief from these migraine pain.

Watch Your Diet

Migraine sufferers often find that certain foods such as processed meats, chocolate, and alcohol can act as triggers for their episodes. Maintaining a food diary can prove to be a valuable strategy in pinpointing these triggers. By diligently recording dietary intake and subsequent migraine occurrences, individuals can gain insights into their personal triggers and make informed dietary adjustments to potentially mitigate the frequency and intensity of their migraine attack

Lavender Oil

The inhalation of lavender essential oil has been suggested as a potential method to alleviate migraine pain. Applying a diluted mixture onto the temples or inhaling the aromatic scent are common approaches for utilizing lavender oil in this context.

Consider Acupuncture

Certain studies have demonstrated that inserting fine needles into specific points on the skin could potentially aid in the prevention of migraines. This practice, known as acupuncture, has shown promise in mitigating the frequency and severity of migraine episodes in some research findings.

Explore Feverfew

Feverfew, a flowering herb, has historically been employed as a remedy for migraines, although its true efficacy requires further investigation for validation. With a rich history in traditional medicine, feverfew has gained attention for its potential to alleviate migraine symptoms. However, its effectiveness remains a subject of ongoing research, as more comprehensive and rigorously designed studies are necessary to provide definitive evidence of its impact on migraines.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil, containing menthol, has been suggested as a potential means to address migraine symptoms, although the extent of its effectiveness remains relatively unexplored. While there is a modest body of research hinting at the potential benefits of menthol in managing migraines, the current scope of scientific investigation in this domain is limited. Despite the limited research, individuals experiencing migraines might find it worthwhile to consider the use of peppermint oil as a potential adjunct in their symptom management approach. However, it’s advisable to exercise caution, consult with healthcare professionals, and remain attentive to emerging research findings to make informed decisions regarding its use.


Renowned for its ability to alleviate nausea, ginger holds the potential for providing pain-relief during migraine episodes as well. While initial observations suggest that ginger might possess pain-relieving properties that could be beneficial for migraine sufferers, further comprehensive research is necessary to substantiate these claims. As an avenue of exploration, individuals intrigued by the potential benefits of ginger for migraine relief are advised to await more substantial evidence from rigorous studies. It is recommended to consult healthcare professionals before incorporating ginger into their migraine management strategies, to ensure safety and appropriateness.


Engaging in yoga, with its combination of breathing exercises and postures, holds the potential to alleviate both the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks, while also offering benefits for managing anxiety. The holistic approach of yoga, which focuses on integrating breath control, physical postures, and meditation, has been recognized for its potential to positively impact various aspects of well-being, including migraine management. While research in this area is ongoing, preliminary findings suggest that the mindful breathing techniques and gentle stretches employed in yoga could contribute to reducing the occurrence and severity of migraine episodes.


Biofeedback, a relaxation technique centered on the observation and regulation of physiological processes, presents a method for mastering stress management. By providing real-time feedback on bodily functions such as heart rate, muscle tension, and skin temperature, biofeedback empowers individuals to gain better control over these processes. This technique holds the potential to serve as an impactful alternative to medication for certain individuals seeking stress reduction and improved well-being. Through consistent practice and guidance from trained professionals, individuals can learn to modify their physiological responses, ultimately leading to reduced stress levels.


A connection exists between magnesium deficiency and migraines. To address this, incorporating magnesium-rich foods into your diet can be beneficial. Foods such as almonds, eggs, and oats are excellent choices to enhance your magnesium intake and potentially contribute to migraine prevention and management.


Massages could potentially offer a means of reducing the frequency of migraines by influencing serotonin levels. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter known to play a role in regulating mood and pain perception, is believed to have a connection to migraine development. Studies suggest that massages can stimulate the release of serotonin, leading to a cascade of physiological responses that may contribute to easing migraine symptoms and reducing their occurrence.


Applying pressure to specific points on the body, a technique known as acupressure, could potentially provide relief from migraine-related nausea. This practice involves stimulating certain pressure points that are believed to correspond with various bodily functions. Acupressure has been suggested as a non-pharmacological method to alleviate nausea associated with migraines. While its effectiveness varies from person to person and further research is needed to validate its benefits, individuals experiencing migraine-related nausea might find it worth considering as an adjunct to their symptom management strategy. Consulting with healthcare professionals or practitioners familiar with acupressure techniques can ensure safe and effective application.

Stress Management

Acquiring stress reduction techniques, such as practicing deep breathing exercises or seeking counseling, has the potential to contribute to a reduction in the frequency of migraines. Stress is a known trigger for migraines, and learning to manage stress effectively can positively impact overall well-being. Engaging in deep breathing exercises promotes relaxation and helps regulate the body’s stress response, potentially mitigating migraine triggers. Similarly, counseling provides valuable tools for addressing underlying emotional stressors that may contribute to migraines. While individual responses may vary, incorporating stress reduction strategies into one’s routine can serve as a proactive step toward decreasing migraine occurrences and enhancing overall quality of life.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is crucial in preventing migraine triggers, as dehydration can initiate migraines. It’s particularly important to ensure an adequate water intake, especially on hot days or during physical exercise. Dehydration can disrupt the body’s balance and potentially lead to the onset of migraines. By consistently consuming enough water, individuals can help minimize the risk of dehydration-related migraine episodes and maintain overall well-being.

Prioritize Sleep

Establishing good sleep habits is essential in managing migraines, as there is a clear connection between poor sleep quality and increased migraine frequency. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and prioritizing sufficient sleep can significantly impact migraine occurrence. Avoiding caffeine intake before bedtime is recommended, as it can interfere with sleep patterns.


Although this plant, butterbur, was previously suggested for migraine prevention, concerns regarding potential liver toxicity have emerged. It is advised to exercise caution and only consider using butterbur products that have been thoroughly verified and approved, under the guidance of a medical professional. Prior to incorporating any butterbur-based products into your regimen, consulting with a doctor is crucial to ensure safety and to make informed decisions about its use in managing migraines.

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