Odisha Government Declares Coronavirus As State Disaster, New Guidelines Issued

Bhubaneswar: Coronavirus has been declared as a state disaster in Odisha today.

The state government has published new guidelines to fight against the outbreak.

The chief minister has sanctioned Rs. 200 crores to fight against coronavirus outbreak.

Naveen Patnaik says it is the biggest disaster and challenge of the century.

The announcement has been made in accordance with the Disaster Management Act, 2005.

The following guidelines have been given: 
  1. All the schools and colleges of the state shall remain closed till 31st  March.
  2. All cinema halls shall remain closed till 31st March.
  3. All swimming pools and gyms to be closed till 31st March.
  4. All examinations to be held as per schedule.
  5. Restrictions on public meetings.
  6. Directions for marriages and thread ceremonies to be restricted.
  7. Directions of the local authorities to be followed.
  8. People asked not to spit in the open.
  9. Seminars to be shifted.
  10. State to procure necessary medicines.
  11. Strict action to be taken against rumour mongers.
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