Physically challenged bangle seller’s daughter excels in Matric exam, watch

Puri: A physically challenged bangle seller’s daughter has exceled in the Matric exam 2024. Meet Gayatri Patra, daughter of Ratnakar Patra of Kerendiapal village under Kakatpur block in Puri district of Odisha, who brought laurels to her village by securing 92 percent marks in the Matric exam. Result of the said exam was announced today in Odisha.

Strong willpower and hard work can take a person to his destination. Even lack of wealth cannot stop one to achieve success. This has been witnessed in the result of the 10th Board exam in Kakatpur.

Gayatri Patra secured 92 percent marks with a total of 555 marks in the Matric exam.

Gayatri’s father Ratnakar is a physically challenged man. He runs a bangle shop near the famous temple of Maa Mangala. Earning from this shop supports his family.

Although Ratnakar pays for education of Gayatri in the midst of poverty, he is not able to pay for Gayatri’s tuition fee. For this, Gayatri’s tutor did not take any tuition fee from her.

Asked whom she wants to give credit for her success Gayatri wanted to credit her parents and teachers for the success. She worked 10 to 12 hours a day.

In the future she aspires to become a doctor. She has made up her mind to study science in the plus two stream and work even harder so that get selected for the Medical studies to become a doctor.

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Also read: Kalarabank High School posts 100% result in 2024 HSC exam

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