Birth rituals of Lord Nrusingha observed today at Puri Srimandira

Puri: The birth rituals of Lord Nrusingha is getting observed today at the Srimandira, the famous Lord Jagannath temple in Puri of Odisha. Besides, two important rituals will also be performed at the Ratha yard.

The birthday of Lord Nrusingha is celebrated on the 14th day in the month of Baishakh (bright fortnight). On this day Lord Jagannath is considered as Lord Nrusingha and the worship is made accordingly.

As per reports, during the birthday celebration of Lord Nrusingha a special function is organized in Gopal Ballabh Matha. Lord Nrusingha is considered as one of the incarnations of Lord Bishnu to bring an end to the tyrannical activities of Demon King Hiranya Kashyap. Lord Vishnu as Nrusingha incarnation killed Hiranya Kashyap by putting him on his lap and by piercing with nails as that of lion on the body of the demon. This episode is enacted in a drama at the Gopal Ballabh Matha.

As per Skanda Purana, by offering prayers to Lord Nrusingha on His birthday a devotee receives the blessings of Lord Nrusingha to get rid of the effects of sin.

And simultaneously, on today’s day the ‘konaguja’ will be started by the Rupakars at the Ratha yard. Also, the Bhoi servitors will dig the Janta gaadha.

Tomorrow, the Bhoi servitors will perform the ‘Singada Badia’ to fix the Ara to the Tumba (axle).

It is to be noted that on the 12th day of Rath construction the work is speedily and perfectly going on.

Also read: Chariot construction in Puri: Tumba making underway for wheels

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