Girls narrowly escape grave danger as cow, bull fight on street, watch

Girls narrowly escaped a grave danger as a cow and a bull fought on the street and jumped over them. The incident was captured on CCTV which went viral after being posted to social media.

As we can see in the video, three girls are seen sitting and talking in front of a shop on a normal day. Within some seconds a bull suddenly appears in the scene and lands on one of those girls. While this girl manages to save herself the cow then lands on another girl and faces problem to balance itself and in this process, hit the girl. Of course, a man runs to the scene and rescues the girl. And all this happened because a bull chased the cow.

The video was shared to X platform (formerly Twitter) by user CCTV IDIOTS on the handle @cctvidiots yesterday and within one day the post has garnered a huge 606.2k views. The caption of the post reads, ‘Milk delivered’. And the post received a number of interesting comments. Here are some of them.

“That was excess milk”

“The guy just found out he’s not the father of his supposed kids”

“Best delivery ever”

“she didn’t hear them say “Moooove!”

“I thought flying cows were only in children’s books”

“It is very bad that animals are wandering on the streets. It is possible to encounter such a situation suddenly.”


Also read: Patting Cheetah goes wrong! Pakistani man tries to touch wild cat, see what happened next


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