Woman, Niece drown In Odisha’s Harabhangi Dam

Mohana: A woman and her minor niece died after drowning in Harabhangi dam near Budhadiha village under Adava police limits of Odisha’s Gajapati district on Friday.

Sources said that when the minor girl who has been identified as Ismanjali Sabar was drowning while taking bath in the dam, her aunty Ebani Mandal tried to rescue her. But unfortunately, both of them slipped into deep water and downed.

After they did not return home till late evening, their family members searched for them at all possible location but in vain.

Some locals spotted their bodies while they were floating in the dam and informed the local police this morning.

Adava police along with a firefighting team from Mohana rushed to spot and recovered the bodies. When Ebani Mandal and Ismanjali Sabar’s family member reached at the site they identified the bodies.

Later, police initiated a probe into the matter after filing a case. The bodies were sent to MKCG Medical College and Hospital in Berhampur for postmortem.

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