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Here’s 5 yoga asanas to promote better respiratory health

Yoga asanas lead to better airflow through the nasal passages, improving respiratory function and promote respiratory health. 

Yoga emphasis deep breathing techniques which help to expand the lungs and increase lung capacity. Some of the yoga poses help in draining sinus congestion and reducing nasal congestion. These poses lead to better airflow through the nasal passages, improving respiratory function. Yoga also target the chest, back, and core muscles can help improve posture and lung function.

At the same time, yoga also helps in reducing stress and boost the immune system, making individuals less susceptible to respiratory illnesses. Practicing yoga regularly increases blood circulation, ensuring that oxygen and nutrients are efficiently transported to all parts of the body. So, here are some yoga asana that can help your respiratory health in winter and how to perform these asanas step-by-step.


Lie on the floor facing the ground. Place your palms on your sides and slowly lift your chest. The only body parts touching the ground should be your palms and lower body. Hold this position for 30 seconds and release. Repeat 3-4 times daily.


Sit while resting on your calves and knees. Your thighs should not be touching your calves. Slowly place your hands on your ankle. Your face should be facing the ceiling. Hold this position for 10-20 seconds and repeat for 3-5 times regularly.

Setu Bandhasana

Put your feet firmly on the ground while lying down on your back with the knees bent. Legs should remain hip-width apart. With the palms facing down, position your hands at your sides. Then gently lift your hips off the floor while rolling your spine up. Press your feet firmly into the ground. To raise your hips higher, try to tighten your hips. Return back to your normal position after holding this position for 30 seconds.


Lie on your stomach with your hands at your sides and your legs straight. Bring your feet near to your buttocks as much you can while bending your knees back. Gently grip your ankles with your rear arm. Make sure your hips and knees are in the same space. Lift your thighs just a little bit off the ground as you draw your feet closer to your upper body. Lift both your head and chest at the same moment. Maintain a flat pelvis on the ground. Try doing it for 4–5 breaths.


Lie down on flat ground, preferably on a yoga mat. Keep your arms aside and your palms open. Your palms should be facing the sky. Your legs should be slightly farther apart than your shoulders. Breathe in and out.

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