Pralambasurabadha Besha in Puri Srimandira today

In this besha a four feet tall statue of demon Pralambasura is kept near Lord Balabhadra

Puri: The deities of Srimandira, the famous Lord Jagannath temple in Puri of Odisha will be adorned with the Pralambasurabadha besha today. This Besha is given to the deities on the dwadashi (12th) tithi in the Krushnapakshya (dark fortnight) in the month of Bhadraba.

As per reports, after completion of the Madhyanha Dhupa ritual Lord Balabhadra, the Bada Thakura is adorned with the pralambasura besha. In this attire Lord Balabhadra holds a plough in one hand and in the other hand holds a ‘musala’ (large pestle).

In this besha a four feet tall statue of demon Pralambasura is kept near Lord Balabhadra on the Ratna Singhasana. It is shown as if Lord Balabhadra has set on the shoulder and hand (Bhuja) of the demon.

Lord Balabhadra is adorned with the Pralambasura Besha after the Madhynha Dhupa ritual and it remains there till completion of the Sandhya Dhupa.

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