Elon Musk hints twitter may charge for commercial, government users

Elon Musk on Tuesday dropped a mjor hint that twitter may charge a slight fee for commercial and government users and will be free for the casual users.

“Twitter will always be free for casual users, but maybe a slight cost for commercial/government users,” Musk said in a tweet.

Elon Musk has also tweeted in the past about how he wants to make changes to the company’s Twitter Blue premium subscription service, which would include reducing price, banning ads, and an option to pay in the cryptocurrency dogecoin. He then deleted the tweet. He had also posted that he wanted to reduce the website’s dependence on advertising, which was deleted as well.

Earlier this week at the annual Met Gala in New York, Musk also said he would make Twitter transparent about how tweets are promoted or demoted and wanted its software to be publicly available for critique.

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