A shocking footage of CCTV cameras installed at Mathura railway station in Uttar Pradesh has come to the fore where an unidentified man is seen kidnapping a child while sleeping next to its mother.
In the 48-second-long video, a man can be seen casually moving on the platform while a group of people were sleeping at the railway station platform. Gradually, he walked toward them and picked up the baby who was sleeping next to its mother and ran toward a train holding the boy in his arms before anyone could notice him.
The incident took place on platforms 8 and 9 of the railway station, said sources adding that a case has been filed at the Mathura Junction GRP police station.
Based on the CCTV footage, which has been shared by Sachin Kaushik, a police officer from Uttar Pradesh, on his Twitter handle, the State Police has started an investigation into the matter.
Cops also have launched a search operation and a manhunt to trace the child lifter. They also have requested the general public to share the footage and pictures of the accused vastly to help the police in finding the suspect and rescue the child.
The video gained over 2 million views and 45.6K retweets ever since it was shared on the Twitter page of Sachin Kaushik on August 27.
Watch video:
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मुझे भरोसा है ये अवश्य पकड़ा जाएगा। pic.twitter.com/fTnuGbSlsi— SACHIN KAUSHIK (@upcopsachin) August 27, 2022