Trafficked Children Rescued From A Bread Factory In Bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar: Childline Bhubaneswar with the help of Airfield police has rescued four children from a Bread Factory at Pallaspalli yesterday.

All of them belong to Ganjam district. Three of them are below 14 years and one is 15 years. All four were trafficked by the factory owner Manoj Gauda from their village and were engaged to work in the factory.

After the rescue operation they were produced before Addl. CWC (Child Welfare Committee) and are sheltered at Ruchika Open Shelter.

According to them, due to school closure and acute poverty of their family they had come to work in Bhubaneswar.

The factory owner pays them 4000 per month. Childline will proceed for next course of action with the direction of Addl. CWC.

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