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Eating cabbage can benefit your health in several ways, Read to know

Eating cabbage may not sound a very interesting thing to do, but it is surely a healthy habit to incorporate in our daily lives.

Cabbage may not look very appealing to eat, but it has a lot of nutritional value stored in it. While being loaded with nutritional value, it counts very low in calories. Cabbage is specifically rich in minerals and vitamins. Eating green leafy cabbage is extremely beneficial in winter. Cabbages come in different colors, including, colors, red, purple, white, and green. In order to gain maximum health benefits from cabbage, one can add them to stews, soups, and salads. Want to know the benefits of eating cabbage in detail? Scroll below!

Cancer prevention:

Cabbage contains sulforaphane, a sulfur-containing compound. Sulforaphane gives a bitter taste to vegetables. Along with this, it also gives vegetables the power to fight against cancer. Anthocyanins are powerful oxidants that are responsible for the coloration of vegetables. Anthocyanins slow down the formation of already-formed cancer cells.

Regulate lower blood pressure:

The Potassium present in cabbage helps in the proper regulation of blood pressure in the body. It keeps the blood pressure of a body within a healthy range. Intake of food and vegetables rich in potassium is likely to result in lowering blood pressure levels in the body.

Keeps brain healthy:

Another one of the benefits of eating cabbage is that it keeps the brain healthy. The super-healthy elements of cabbage include Vitamin K, Iodine, and Anthocyanins. These are the elements that act as the building blocks for the human brain. Previous studies have shown that vegetables like cabbage help in balancing the tau proteins that are commonly found in Alzheimer’s patients.

Keeps inflammation in check:

Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable that contains types of antioxidants. Such elements are known to lessen chronic inflammation. antioxidants like sulforaphane, kaempferol, and others found in cabbage are responsible for the anti-inflammatory effect seen in the vegetable.

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