BJD seeks psychological treatment of four Odisha BJP leaders

Bhubaneswar: The State ruling Biju Janata Dal (BJD) today sought for the psychological treatment of four Odisha BJP leaders for repeatedly spreading rumours about the health condition of Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik.

Senior party leader Amar Patnaik in a letter to the authorities of the SCB Medical College and Hospital in Cuttack urged for the psychological treatment of four BJP leaders – Dharmendra Pradhan, Baijayant Panda, Sameer Mohanty and Aparajita Sarangi.

He alleged that all of these four saffron leaders have been time and again spreading rumours about the health condition of the CM, who has already clarified that he is fit and fine.

Slamming the saffron party leaders, Patnaik today said that there is a limit to the amount of lies BJP can tell. “As you can see I am in very good health and have been campaigning all over the state for months,” the CM said while speaking to newsmen.

Adding to him, senior BJD leader VK Pandian said, “I only hope that BJP comes with innovative ideas instead of talking about something which is non-existent. You are all watching Chief Minister. It is very unfortunate, below the belt.”

“People of Odisha will not appreciate this kind of demeaning of Chief Minister who enjoys such popularity among the people of Odisha. I only suggest letting them come up with something innovative. It is so substandard,” Pandian added.

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