Bhubaneswar Subhashree Death Case: Boyfriend To Be Taken On Remand

Bhubaneswar: A new development has been witnessed in the Subhashree suicide case. Her boyfriend Chitta Ranjan Jena is to be taken on a four-day remand by police so that the crime scene can be recreated.

During the crime scene recreation the accused will show police details regarding how he committed the crime, including how he took down the dead body and threw away the cloth used for hanging her.

Police will interrogate him regarding the reasons why he assaulted her on August 29.

Subhashree had committed suicide due to a fight with Chitta Ranjan.

As per reports, she got married in 2014 and developed a relationship with Chitta Ranjan in 2019.

Subhashree had visited Capital Hospital along with a friend ahead of the unfortunate incident due to which the two had fought a lot.

She was depressed due to the fight and had informed Chitta Ranjan on phone before committing suicide.

He had later informed her son’s tuition teacher about her suicide.

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