Group of youths create nuisance, pelt stones & thrash passersby in Bhubaneswar

A group of youths reportedly created a nuisance by pelting stones and thrashing every passerby they came across in Bhubaneswar this evening.

Bhubaneswar: A group of youths reportedly created a nuisance by pelting stones and thrashing every passerby they came across in Bhubaneswar this evening.

As alleged by one of the victims, the terrifying incident reportedly took place in full public view between Rajmahal Square and Kalpana Square.

While speaking to the newsmen, the victim said, “Six youths including Simanchal came and asked us some money. When denied to give money, they were forcefully snatching from us. But when we protested, they pelted stones at us and mercilessly thrashed me.”

“I sell fruits here and this is not the first time. Every day they do the same,” he added by showing the injuries he received at different parts of his body following the attack.

Another man also claimed that the accused youths snatched Rs 300 from him before fleeing the spot.

On being informed, the Capital Police reached the spot, said sources adding that the cops took the injured man to the police station to file a complaint, based on which necessary action will be taken.

Meanwhile, the local fruit hawkers along with others demanded immediate arrest of the accused persons saying stringent action should be taken against them so that none can dare to do such things.

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