WATCH: Cat adopts chicks, mother hen disappointed

The video shows the mama hen puzzled on seeing the cat with her babies. Surprisingly, even the chicks seem to consider the cat as their mom.

Every now and then, we keep coming across videos that leave us in splits. Viral videos of animals are always amusing to watch. Be it a wild animal, or a pet, the content of the video is sure to be highly entertaining.

A recent video that has gone viral, shows a cat, a hen, and the confusion that the animals share. The video also features some chicks. In the video, it seems as if the cat has adopted the baby chicks. It also shows the mama hen in a rather confused and disappointed state.

The short clip shows the mama hen puzzled on seeing the cat with her chicks. The hen keeps staring at the cat to make a move. The stubborn feline, however, remains seated with the little chicks as if they were its own.

What is surprising is that even the little chicks seem to consider the cat as their mom and do not recognize their actual mother standing right in front.

The clip was shared on Instagram by a handle named ‘cats_of_day_.’ The video was captioned, “Mother chicken knows there’s something wrong with the picture” Take a look at the video of the cat adopting the chicks here:

Going through the comments section of the video is fun ride to take. Some of the comments on the post include, “The cat decided that it wanted to be a mother today and adopted the chicks. Simple,” “the way the chicken looks at the cat “are you clucking ok?! Those are mine,” among numerous others.

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