Incredible! Viral Video Shows Moose Running In Water, Amazes Internet

An old footage of a moose running on water has once again gone viral online. The miraculous clip has amazed Internet users.

An old footage of a moose that appears to be running on water has once again gone viral online. The clip has amazed Internet users for its unusual content.

According to the video that has resurfaced, a moose can be seen running alongside a boat in the River.
Reportedly, the boat was being driven by Kristy Paniptchuk, who was speeding along the Alaskan river when a moose joined the race. It started running alongside the vessel but what makes the video incredible is when the animal was running effortlessly on the surface of the water without sinking in.

Watch Video Here:

Some people said that it is normal for moose to walk on shallow water. However, in the video it clearly crosses the boat in front hence, the river is believed to be deep enough for a boat to cruise.
Since being shared online, the video has received millions of views.

Twitter remains divided on the facts check of the video. While many claimed that the water is hardly 3 inches deep, others argued that a motor boats cannot run in shallow water.

In a report by dailymail, Kristy confirmed that the video is not fake and the moose was crossing the river to get up stream. She further said that she was using a river boat with jet motor which can run in shallow water.

She said, “the water was only about five inches deep in the middle of the channel where she was sailing. “

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