No hike in electricity bill for 2022-23, 3% rebate if paid online

Bhubaneswar: The retail supply tariff for the State of Odisha has remained unchanged for financial year 2022- 23.

The Commission has given several concessions to the different categories of consumers follows:

  • The rural LT domestic consumers who draw their power through correct meter and put the bill in time shall get rebate of 10 paise per unit in addition to existing rebate for prompt payment.
  • The Mega Lift consumers (who arc using electricity for irrigation purpose and not covered under irrigation pumping and agriculture category of the Regulation) connected either to HT or art system shall be treated as GP consumers and shall not pay any demand charges and shall get an additional rebate of Rs.2 per unit (kVAh) on the respective energy charges.
  • 3% rebate over and above normal rebate shall be allowed on the bill to the LT domestic and single phase general purpose category of consumers only over and above all the rebates who pay the bill through digital mode. This rebate shall be applicable on the current month bill, if paid in full.
  • Charging of electric vehicle through public charging system/station shall be covered under General Purpose (GP) category and single part tariff of Rs.5.50 per unit shall be applicable. The charging unit established by group housing society through a separate connection shall also be treated as public charging system/station.
  • LT Industrial (S) Supply consumers shall avail a rebate of 10 paisa per unit for all the units consumed if their monthly operating load factor is more than 60%.
  • The consumers of any category can get a Green Consumer Certification by DISCOMs, if 100% of their power requirement is met from renewable sources by DISCOMs. The consumer has to pay additional 50 pulse per unit as premium over and above the normal rate of energy charges. This facility shall be in force for one year from the effective date of this order. The consumer has to apply the concerned MSCOM in advance for this purpose. This facility shall not be available to the consumers having Captive Generating Plants (CGPs).

All HT industrial consumers (Steel Plant) having Contract Demand (CD) of 1 MVA and above shall get a rebate on energy charge on achieving the load factor as given below:

The above rebate shall be on energy charges of entire unit of consumption.

Load reduction shall not be permitted to such category of industry for availing this rebate during the financial year 2022-23.

All the industrial consumers drawing power in EHT shall be eligible for a rebate of 10 paise per unit (kVAh) for all the units consumed in excess of 80% of load factor.

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