Follow this trick if you do not want to be added to any WhatsApp group

Instant messaging app WhatsApp has caused close proximity among people sitting far away. We can talk to people sitting anywhere through video calling. But while there are many features in this app, the problem is that any friend or relative of ours adds to the group without our will and sometimes it happens that we are not able to get out of it. In such a situation, today we are telling you about one such feature of the app, through which no one will be able to join you in the group without your will.

Here’s how to avoid being added to WhatsApp groups

First click on your WhatsApp settings

After going to Settings, click on Accounts.

After clicking on account click on group

On clicking on the group, three options are shown, one is Everyone, the other is My Contacts and the third is My Contacts Accept.

Meaning of Arrival in the group- If the status of the Everyone is seen in the group, then it means that anyone can add to their group. Whether that phone number is saved in your phone or not, but an unknown person from the states of Everyone can also add you to the group.

Do this important work

If you click on My Contacts after entering the group, your privacy will be turned on and not everyone can add your phone number to their WhatsApp group. If you do not want any unknown person to join you in your group, then click on My Contacts.

My contacts accept

This is the third option in the group that clicking on means that you can add everyone from the contact list to your group, but excluding the phone numbers you have selected. Actually, after clicking on this option, the contact list opens and if you want, you can select some number from which you do not join the group. Apart from your selected numbers, other people can add you to the group.

(With inputs from

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