8 killed after tempo falls into gorge in Rudraprayag

Rudraprayag: In a tragic incident, as many as eight people were killed after a tempo fell into a gorge in Rudraprayag of Uttarakhand.

The incident occurred on the Badrinath-Rishikesh National Highway on Saturday. Reportedly, a total of 17 people were traveling in the tempo, which was en route from Noida when the incident occurred.

Informing about the incident, IG Garhwal, Karan Singh Nagnyal informed ANI, “Rudraprayag SP is on the spot…The tempo traveler was coming from Noida (UP) towards Rudraprayag…It fell into a 150-200 meter deep gorge. 7 bodies have been recovered. 9 people were rushed to the hospital during which 1 of them died. The driver is very critically injured. So, it is not clear how many people were onboard the vehicle. Police, SDRF, and local people are engaged in rescue operations…Rescue operation is underway.”

On receiving information about the incident, police and SDRF reached the spot and initiated a rescue operation. The cops have further initiated an investigation into the matter. More detailed reports related to the incident are awaited.

Also Read: Truck Hits Passenger Bus And Falls Into 20-Foot Gorge In Ghatagaon Of Odisha, 2 Injured

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