Using AC while sleeping? You must know this or else might face problem

Good sleep is mandatory for a healthy life. However, there are different reasons why people might not get proper sleep. This includes the weather condition. Some people cannot sleep when it is too hot or too cold. Amid the ongoing scorching heatwave conditions, people take different precautions to have a sound sleep. They use either cooler, or AC to keep the room cool to get good sleep. However, one should know what should be the best temperature for a good sleep while using the AC at night.

People increase the temperature when it is cold and reduce it when it is hot. However, In this article we will roughly say the best temperature you should maintain in your bedroom to get a proper sleep at night.

According to the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, an agency of the Government of India under the Ministry of Power that encourages the efficient use of energy in India by developing programs to support it, the night temperature for an AC should be 24 degrees Celsius. As per the agency, this temperature is good for body and health and also provides relief from intense heat. Apart from this, it also consumes less electricity. However, this may vary from individual to individual.

If you run your AC at 24 degrees Celsius, you can also switch on your fan with it. Due to which cold air will get circulated in your room. However, experts advise people not to use AC all night as it might be harmful to your body. You should switch of your AC after using for a while and switch on it if needed. Thus, you will stay safe and reduce the burden of excess electricity bill.

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