6 types of Intermittent fasting, choose right one for yourself

Today we bring to you, detailed information about the different types of intermittent fasting. Read on to know more.

Intermittent fasting is a practice of time restricted eating. This is a way of eating that follows the practice of alternating between periods of eating and fasting. It is noteworthy mentioning that there are various types of intermittent fasting, each with its unique approach.

These include the ESE fasting, 16/8 fasting, 5:2 fasting, water fasting, and more.

Today we bring to you, detailed information about the different types of intermittent fasting. Read on to know:

OMAD Fasting

The OMAD or ‘One Meal A Day’ fasting is the practice of taking just one nutrient-filled meal per day. In this practice, you consume one meal in a day and survive the rest of the day on zero-calorie drinks.


The ADF or ‘Alternate Day Fasting’ involves eating on calorie restriction for two days a week. In this, you restrict your calorie percentage to only 30 percent for two days a week. On the remaining days, you switch to free eating.

ESE Fasting

The ESE or ‘Eat-Stop-Eat’ fasting is the practice of complete food restriction for one or two days of a week. This is basically skipping some meals in a week to save calories. In this, you fast for 24 hours, twice a week in order to shed weight.

5:2 Diet

The 5:2 diet is one of the most popular and common forms of intermittent fasting. In this practice, you eat very little for two days a week. In remaining five days of the week, you can consume foods regularly. While fasting usually means eating nothing for a fixed amount of time, here you just need to cut on your calorie intake.


In the 16/8 type of intermittent fasting practice, you eat within an eight hour window and fast for the remaining 16 hours of the day. This type of fasting aids in weight loss, fat loss, and several other diseases. People who opt for the 16/8 fasting should consume high amount fiber and enough hydration. Notably, it is also known as the Leangains diet.

Water or Juice fasting

Much as the names suggest it, these practices involve consuming water or juices within a set time frame. These types of fasting are commonly known as ‘detox diet.’

While types of fasting can be undertaken for several purposes, it is always recommended to consult your doctor before doing so. Especially for people with health issues, fasting can prove to be dangerous, if not done rightly.

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