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Valentine’s Day 2022: 8 best handmade gift ideas

Happy Valentine’s day to all the couples out there, and singles too — self love is important too. Singles have no one to dissapoint with last minute gifts, they can simply book a spa for themselves or order their favourite food online and enjoy a movie at home. On the other hand, couples are in a tight spot to make their loved ones feel special. One can buy expensive gifts or buy them flowers, but what trully matters is filling the lost time. Isn’t that the true meaning of Valentine’s day? In today’s world, everyone is busy making money to provide for their family. Amid the hustle life, it is hard to maintain a relationship or give the significant other the time they deserve.

Take your partner to movie, or book an expensive dinner, a picnic sounds great too. Prepare those home made meals and take them out on a beautiful spot, spend some time in peace putting arm in arm and head on shoulder. However, if you want to make it a little extra special with a gift, a handmade one goes a long way. Handmade gifts are a unique way of telling your recipient that they are special. Sure one has to put a lot of thought on buying a gift, but handmade ones require effort too. The fact that one is willing to put time and effort from their busy life, thinking about the receiver during all the time they spend making the gift, caring about how to make their special one’s gift extra special, is what makes it exceptional.

Therefore, here we bring you a few ideas of handmade gift, that are easy to make and still counts as extraordinary. Something done by heart, touches heart for sure.

A DIY Scrapbook

Investing your time and money on a scrap book that tells your journey with your partner is one beautiful things to bring an eye to eye smile on their faces. Get creative with stationary and add some of both of yours best pictures to make your partner treasure the gift for the rest of their lives.

A Heartfelt Old School Letter

A heartfelt letter can never fail when it comes to expressing an emotion. It just has that unique magic that no other form of communication can provide. Therefore, get all your best decorative pens and bring out that notepad, and pour your heart out. Take your time and choose your words wisely, change sheets as many as you want and end up writing a beautiful message for your Valentine this Valentine’s day. Make them feel special with your words, especially if you are the shy type or one with less words, this will help them understand you a little more.

Handmade Valentine’s Day Card

Now that we are in the topic of writing, let’s not forget the classic Valentine’s Day cards. Although market is filled with such cards, making it easy for you to just buy one and write a beautiful message for your partner inside, it is obvious that they would love if the card could be one of it’s kind. You can either customize it with both of your’s picture on the front or go an extra mile to make it from scratch. There are a lot of ways to make your’s look more artistic like Paper quilling, coloured rice, glitters, stickers and many more. However you decide to make your card, do not forget to write a heartfelt message inside, giving your partner the chance to treasure something they can read over and over again fot the rest of their lives.

A DIY Wall Art

If you have an artistic side to yourself that is not limited to making cards or scrapbooks, then you can try making art that they can display on their home remembering you everytime they look at it. You don’t have to be a hardcore painter to build them a beaitiful scenary, a simple calligraphy message would do just as much as a origami painting would. If that’s still too much for you, then maybe make a collage of all the photographs of each beautiful moment captured with your partner. Apart from that, try going for miror work and gemstones decorated wall hangings, these will make them go awestruck if they are into it.

Promise Rings

Now this is a little off-topic, as not all can make a ring at their home. But, it still counts if you customise it according to your preference and have it specialised embedding their name or a small message in the back of the ring. A promise ring shows the world that your heart belongs to another and that you’re devoted to protecting and nurturing that relationship. So, if your heart is set on someone you don’t wanna loose but just not their yet for an engagment ring, due to unplanned future or any other reason may it, then a promise ring can help hold the relationship giving you enough time to prepare for the grand day.


Tea and coffee has become a friend in our day to day tiring lives. At office, at home, or anytime the pressure feels ecstatic, a cup of our favourite beverage can help us fight longer battles. Some people even turn to green teas and matcha coffees for a healthier life. However, if the beverage comes with a warm feeling of love it helps release the stress faster than usual. Therefore, gifting a cute little drinking mug is a classy choice. If you are artistic enough to pot a mug by your own, that will be amazing. But if not, then customizing drinking mugs with desired pictures and romantic messages from printing shops can help. If you want something different from the cliche, you can buy some handmade mugs from your local potters and paint it according to your level of craftiness.


Some people like receiving flowers, and others love nurturing the whole plant. So if your partner is one of them, they will love a living plant over a boquet. Maybe it’s time to keep a note of their favourite flowers and gift them a plant of the same bloom. People with parenting insticts love taking care of their plants, and if one’s given by you, they will love to water them and think of you everyday. A plant can make a wonderful and meaningful gift depending on what species you surprise them with. A heart shaped succulent, a beautiful bonsai, lucky bamboo, or Orchids among many can be a sophisticated and thoughtful gift for your plant loving partner.

Handmade Chocolates

If you have a good hand when it comes to food, maybe try making some of their favourite chocolates. The effort never goes unnoticed, on the top chocolates are always paired up with romance. Whether you are deciding on pampering your love interest with sweets or having a passionate chocolaty night with them, Chocolate can never go wrong.

Also Read: 5 movies you can enjoy this Valentine’s Day

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