Man attempts to kill neighbour’s wife after failing in one-sided love with her elder sister in Bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar: A man attempted to kill his neighbour’s wife after failing in one-sided love with her elder sister in Bhubaneswar in Odisha’s capital city of Bhubaneswar. The man hit the woman’s scooty with his pick-up van and dragged her for about 500 meters in Infocity area of the capital city.

According to sources, the accused identified as Akshay Kumar Behera was in one-sided love with the elder sister of victim, his neighbour. However, due to this, there were disputes between the two families. Reportedly, the accused had also threatened the victim of killing her.

Reportedly, on Saturday evening, when the woman was returning home on her scooty, the accused came in a pick-hut and hit the scooty. Furthermore, he dragged her for about 500 meters. The locals present at the scene tried to stop the accused and nab him. However, he drove his vehicle to the police station and surrendered.

The victim was immediately rushed to the nearby hospital. Reportedly, her right-hand bone broke, while the scooty is said to be totally destroyed.

During his interrogation, the accused confessed that he was loving the victim’s elder sister, a married woman. He even had reportedly given her Rs 5 lakh when they were in relationship. However, after they brokeup, the accused reportedly asked her to return the money. This irked the woman and the duo had a fight.

Akshay’s neighbour Pankajini Jena and his husband Amiya Jena also had a heated argument with the accused over the issue. Fumed over the argument, Akshay hatched a plan to eliminate Pankajini and executed his plan yesterday.

Further detailed reports related to the incident are awaited.

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