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At what time of the day do most people die?

Man is mortal and death can come at any moment. But have you ever thought at what time of the day do most people die?

The answer would be, that most people die between 3 am to 6 am. But have you ever wondered why at this specific time?

According to myths and stories, evil spirits are strongest from 3 am to 4 am. Hence, most deaths occur at this time.
It is astonishing to know that even medical science prescribes the same time for maximum death. As per Medical research, the risk of an asthma attack is around 300% between 3 to 4 am. This happens as in this period (3 to 4 am) reduced amounts of adrenaline and anti-inflammatory hormones flow in the body of an asthma patient.

Dr. Roshni Raj says that due to reduced cortisol levels in asthma patients, the blood flow significantly decreases. This is another reason for death.

However, Dr. Chandra Asarani believes that the reason for death is not weakness in the body. He blames it on sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a disease where a person’s breathing completely stops while sleeping. The chances of sleep apnea are higher in obese people.

Life and death are both a mystery to even science.

Also Read: Why Is Sunday A Holiday?

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