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Why mysterious sound from space does not reach earth

Why mysterious sound from space does not reach Earth? Researchers have many findings on this subject. However, the most probable reason behind this process is – since there is no medium in the space, like air or water, which carries sound from one place to another, we normally don’t hear any sound that is produced in the space.

Planet Earth is filled with many sounds that often grace our ears. But have you ever wondered what kind of sounds are produced beyond our planet, in the vast expanse of outer space?

Until recently, scientists used to think that space was silent. But later on, they discovered that space is full of sounds, out of which many are mysterious. These sounds are in fact so loud that mere exposure to them would deafen your ears.

However, there is no need to worry about any damage to your hearing since these sounds would never reach our ears. Let us find out why.

Recently, a viral social media video showed many people claiming that the ‘Om’ or ‘Aum’ sound comes from space. Yet, this was proven to be false.

In reality, the sound was coming from a black hole. American space agency NASA has uploaded a video where we can hear the sounds generated in a black hole.

According to researchers, space has its own sounds which are generated by the vibration of gas clouds. These gas clouds are formed by the mixing of various gases.

However, there is a reason why these sounds do not reach us. Sound needs a medium to travel like air, water, or a solid object. Outer space has no atmosphere. It is just an empty vacuum. Hence, sound has no medium of travel in space and thus we can’t hear the mysterious sounds of space on Earth.

The only way scientists can capture these sounds is through data sonification. It is a process that translates digital data like images into sounds by assigning pitches and volumes to elements of the image like brightness and position.

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