Killing in the name of cow protection unacceptable: Modi

Narendra ModiAhmedabad: Breaking his silence on the increasing incidents of mob violence in the country, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said killing people in the name of cow protection is not acceptable. Mahatma Gandhi would have never approved of such things, he said.

Modi expressed his views while speaking at the 150th birth anniversary celebrations of Shrimad Rajchandraji, a Guru to Mahatma Gandhi, organised at Abhay Ghat near Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad.

The Prime Minister called upon the people to work together to create the India of Mahatma Gandhi’s dreams on which the freedom fighters would feel proud. He said the thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi have the power to solve all challenges the world is facing today.

“We are the land of non-violence. We are the land of Mahatma Gandhi. Why do we forget this?”  Modi  asked.

Earlier this week, a group of about 20 people in a moving train killed 16-year-old Junaid Khan, who was travelling to his village in Haryana from Delhi, accusing the teen and his companions of carrying beef in their bags.

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