WhatsApp New Feature Will Allow Users to Delete Unread Messages!

Do you feel psychologically overwhelmed by the count of unread messages on WhatsApp? The big news is that the company may be working on a new function that automatically eliminates the count of unread messages whenever the application is opened. This function can help users organize the list of unread messages and manage new messages.

A report from WA Beta Info says that this update was discovered in WhatsApp beta for Android version available on the Google Play Store. WA Beta Info shared a screenshot highlighting the new feature that can allow you to automatically delete unread messages.

According to the report, with this WhatsApp New Feature as soon as the user opens the App, any unread messages will be reset to zero.

With this new function it will be possible to reduce visual confusion and psychological overload, so users can be more focused on new and more important conversations.

If you are the type of person who receives a high volume of messages, this new function will be very useful. These days our WhatsApps are bombarded with countless message notifications, especially from active groups, resulting in a high number of unread messages, but this will soon end.

This new feature has not yet been officially announced by WhatsApp and remains under development. However, its presence in the Beta version indicates that this feature will soon be available to all users of the app.

Recently, WhatsApp started to launch the option of chat filters that also help users manage their conversations on the app by separating conversations into unread and groups. With this feature, people can easily find the conversations that interest them most.

Are you looking forward to this feature becoming available? Stay tuned for more updates.

Also Read: WhatsApp introduces Darker Dark mode, redesigned navigation, new icons and more

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