Roof of multi-storey house collapses in mysterious explosion in Balasore

Balasore: Locals were left in a state of panic in Achyutpur village under Industrial Area police limits in Balasore district last night after the roof of three-storey building caved in due to a massive explosion.

The incident took place around 12.35 pm while all families residing in the neighbourhood of the house were asleep.

“I heard a loud explosion late in the night and came out to make an inquiry to witness the rubbles of the collapsed wall. The house had been provided on rent to the family of a mason namely Sridhar Mohanty,” said the owner of the house Kalicharan Mohapatra.

Later, Industrial Area Police rushed to the spot and carried out the preliminary investigation. While the smell of gunpowder prevailed at the spot it suspected the role of a firecracker in the explosion.

While the tenant who was living in the collapsed house has gone missing after the incident, police have brought in the scientific team to examine the cause of the blast.

Details are awaited.

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