Meghdoot Mobile App To Provide Weather Forecast To Farmers
Bhubaneswar/New Delhi: Meghdoot (Hindi for ‘Cloud Messenger’), developed in joint initiative of India Meteorological Department (IMD), Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) and Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to deliver weather forecast and forecast based advisory to the farmers.
Meghdoot mobile app is active since Monsoon 2019 and now the application comes up with
additional feature for farmers.
An updated version of app enables blocks level features where farmers can access block level information to manage risk.
Block level Weather forecast for ~ 6970 blocks and Block level agromet advisory for ~ 3100 blocks are now added where users can register for their location to get the updates .
These advisories are updated on every Tuesday and Friday by ~ 330 networks of units established across country under Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa of IMD.
The advisories are also issued in vernacular language wherever available. Currently advisories are prepared in English and 13 regional languages of their region.
Following services are hosted on Meghdoot Mobile app:
1. District and Block level weather forecast: Next five days forecast on Temperature, Rainfall, Humidity, Wind Speed and Direction updated on daily basis.
2. District and Block level Agromet advisory: Weather based advisory updated on every Tuesday and Friday.
3. Nowcast: Three hourly warnings of localized weather phenomena and their intensity issued for about 1019 stations covering 732 districts by State Meteorological Centres of IMD. In case of severe weather, its impact also is included in the warning
4. Past weather: District level observed weather information of 10 days wherever available.