Bangladesh MP Anwarul Azim Anar was cut into 80 pieces for 80 cr worth gold

Kolkata: In the latest information that has come to light in the death case of Bangladesh MP Anwarul Azim. Bangladesh MP Anwarul Azim Anar was cut into 80 pieces for 80 crores worth of gold.  West Bengal CID has said that the MP’s body was cut into 80 pieces after the murder. Accused Jihad Hawaldar informed during the interrogation that he threw the body parts in different places including the canal of Bhangar.

On the other hand, the Bangladesh Police Department has claimed that the murder occurred due to gold smuggling. Anwarul was smuggling gold along with his American friend and Muhammad Akhtaruz. But E.A. Akhtaruzman asked the Bangladeshi MP for more benefits.

As a result, the dissatisfaction between both of them increased. Later Anwarul was known to be smuggling gold alone. The cost of which was 80 crore rupees. As a result of which dissatisfaction took the form of death candy. Many important people are believed to be behind this death case.

Also Read: Bangladesh MP Anwarul Azim Anar Mutilated Body Found After He Went Missing In Kolkata

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