Ever wondered why hotel beds always have white sheets and towels, know why

Almost all hotel bed covers, sheets, pillows and towels are white, questions have arisen as to why they are always white. Why sheets are not of other colours? Here we tell you some interesting as to the reasons for laying white bed sheets and towels in the hotel room.

In the 1990s, white sheets, pillows and towels began to be used in hotel rooms. It is popularized by Westin and Sheraton. Erin Hoover, vice president of design for the two hotels, believes white bedding creates an illusion among guests. Seeing this, they think that the room has just been cleaned and tidied up. It makes visitors feel comfortable.

Basically white colour has a positive effect on the mind. Whiteness and cleanliness comes to mind. According to science, white colour reflects light. It makes the room look brighter. Many people think that white colour is a symbol of luxury. So white sheets are used on hotel room beds. If the white sheet-pillow is a little dirty, it can washed by shocking it together. If it is of a different colour there is a fear of colour there is a fear of colour sticking from one to other. Rather, this time we tell you some interesting reasons for laying white bed sheets in the hotel room.

White sheets are easy to clean

You must be thinking that if white sheets are used all the time in a hotel, there is a high chance of them getting dirty. Then how to clean white sheets after stains? So it is important to tell you, cleaning white bed sheets is very easy. Each hotel room has several sheets, which are bleached together. They are soaked together in water and immersed in chlorine level also rises during cleaning and colour of the sheets remains the same.

Chlorine is the only hope to get rid of bad smell

Bed sheets can be kept for many days in winter. But summer and monsoon season, bed sheets have to be washed once a week due to bad smell. But it can’t be seen on hotel sheets. Those sheets are bleached with chlorine to prevent them from smelling and getting damp.
A sense of nobility and luxury wrapped in white sheets
Putting all the colours side by side, many would agree that white has its own nobility. White , however, is not only a symbol of nobility, but also of luxury. White sheets on the bed gives a different look to the room. in such a situation, seeing the white colour of the bed sheets in the hotel gives a luxurious feeling. White sheets are cheap and their fabric is thick. So they can use it for long time.

White colour gives positive vibes

We all want to sleep in peace after coming to the hotel room tired of traveling. In such a situation, white is the only colour that can give you peace. You will find peace and positive vibes while at room. it gives immense relaxation and pleasure to your mind.

The trend of using white sheets started long ago. Before 1990, hotels used different types of coloured sheets. It was also very easy to keep them clean. Again, if there is a stain on such a colourful sheet, it would not be easily understood. But then Westin’s hotel designers also did a study . it was said that a luxury bed for the guests means giving them a comfortable feeling and taking care of the cleanliness of the guests. Along with this, hygiene trends continue with bed sheets. All in all, the trend of using white sheets gradually started.

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