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5 vegetables you should always cook for maximum nutrition

Some vegetables offer maximum nutritional benefits when subjected to heat. Here's list of five such vegetables.

The debate between consuming vegetables raw or cooked has been ongoing among fitness enthusiasts. Interestingly, some vegetables offer enhanced nutritional benefits when subjected to heat. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition even suggests that a wholesome diet comprising cooked food results in better nutrient absorption compared to a raw food diet. In this article, we unveil five vegetables that become healthier when boiled or cooked.


Spinach, a powerhouse of nutrients, also contains oxalic acid, which can hinder the absorption of iron and calcium. However, when exposed to heat such as during cooking, the acid breaks down under high temperatures. This breakdown makes it easier for the body to absorb essential nutrients, making cooked spinach a valuable addition to your diet.

Sweet Potatoes

Boiling sweet potatoes, as recommended by the Harvard School of Public Health, retains more beta-carotene and enhances its absorbability. Additionally, raw sweet potatoes can be challenging to consume due to their hardness. Cooking them not only makes them more palatable but also ensures you get the maximum nutritional benefits.


Mushrooms boast a rich content of the antioxidant ergothioneine, which is released during the cooking process. These antioxidants play a crucial role in breaking down free radicals, reducing oxidative stress in the body. Including cooked mushrooms in your diet can contribute significantly to overall health.

Green Beans

Green beans contain lectins, compounds that may lead to digestive issues. Cooking green beans not only neutralizes lectins but also improves taste, digestibility, and antioxidant content. Opting for cooked green beans ensures a more pleasant eating experience while maximizing their nutritional potential.


A study published in the journal Nutrition Research found that steaming eggplant facilitates the binding of its nutrient components with bile acids. This process enables the liver to break down cholesterol more efficiently, subsequently reducing its presence in the bloodstream. Incorporating steamed eggplant into your meals can offer both culinary delight and cardiovascular health benefits.

While the choice between raw and cooked vegetables remains subjective, understanding that certain vegetables exhibit increased nutritional benefits when cooked can guide your dietary preferences. Including these boiled or cooked vegetables in your meals not only enhances flavor but also ensures that you gain the full spectrum of nutrients they offer.

Also Read: 5 Traditional Nutrient-Rich Foods To Keep You Warm During Winter Season

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