Bhubaneswar: Recently the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) leaders in Odisha were seen chanting ‘Jay Jagannath’. It has been reportedly said that ahead of this year’s Rath Yatra the Puri Srimandira Heritage Corridor project will be completed.
This project had been launched by Odisha State government with an aim to provide security and safety to the Lord Jagannath shrine in Puri along with better facilities for the devotees. The project moved through many hurdles and also faced opposition.
However, the CM had said that nobody can stop the work of Lord Jagannath. Now the work of the project is on the last leg. And ahead of that the leaders are seen chanting Jay Jagannath.
It has been said that during the upcoming inauguration event of the Srimandira Heritage project a festive atmosphere will be created across the State. BJD has already started preparations for the same.