PM Modi lays foundation stone for redevelopment of 508 railway stations across India

PM Modi laid foundation stone for redevelopment of 508 stations via video conferencing, under Amrit Bharat Station Scheme.

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone for redevelopment of 508 stations on August 06 via video conferencing. PM laid the foundation for redevelopment of stations under Amrit Bharat Station Scheme.

The redevelopment aims to modernise the railway stations which will provide modern amenities to the passengers and will over enhance the experience of commuting via railway. The redevelopment of 508 railway stations will be done at a cost of more than Rs 24,470 crores.

These 508 stations are spread across 27 states and UTs, including 55 each in UP and Rajasthan, among others

PM Modi says, “India, which is heading towards the goal of being developed, is at the beginning of its Amrit Kaal. There is new energy, new inspiration and new resolutions and in this spirit, a new chapter is beginning in the history of Indian Railways.” Around 1300 major railway stations in India will now be developed as Amrit Bharat Railway Station. They will be re-developed in a modern way. Of these, work on the redevelopment of 508 Amrit Bharat Railway Stations begins today. Around 25,000 Crores will be spent on the redevelopment of these 508 Amrit Bharat Stations. You can imagine how big of a drive this will be for the infrastructure, Railways and most importantly for the common people of my country…”

Today the eyes of the whole world are on India. And the world is seeing that India is progressing and this is the reason why for the whole 30 years, a party formed the government in the country with full majority and worked for the people. The information about the amount of work that has been done in the railways in the past years pleases as well as surprises.

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