What is ‘Somnabulism’ or sleepwalking? Know symptoms and causes

Sleepwalking, otherwise known as Somnabulism or noctabulism, refers to the act of getting up and walking around while still fast asleep. It is a sleep disorder that makes you walk and move around while you are sleeping. This is classified as sleep disorder “parasomnia.”

Earlier research papers have proven that about seven percent of people are affected by the disorder. Seen commonly in children, people often tend to grow out of it as they age. It is to be noted that only about 1.5 percent of adults experience this disorder.

Notably, most people sleepwalk during the first few hours of falling asleep. While the name suggests only walking while you are asleep, there are certain other activities that people tend to do. These include partial walking, lack of bodily coordination, lack of awareness, dream acting, sleep eating, and others.

It is noteworthy mentioning that researchers and studies have not yet been able to find the exact reason behind why people walk in their sleep. However, there is a certainty that perhaps this problem is genetic. Studies have proven that there is a 47 percent of chance that if the parent has it, then the child will have it too. Meanwhile, there are a few reasons why people walk in their sleep. They are as follows:

Lack of Sleep

People who are deprived of proper amount of sleep, are likely to fall victim to sleepwalking. Issues in your sleep cycle may trigger this disorder in you. However, it is to be noted that sleep deprivation makes people able to do more complex tasks in sleep.

Consumption of alcohol

People who are used to taking a drink right before going to bed might affect how well you sleep. Drinking before going to bed can not only lead to sleepwalking, but will also trigger a lot of other sleep disorders.

Mental Health Conditions

Earlier studies have shown that symptoms related to stress and anxiety tend to cause a disturbance in sleep. These, along with childhood trauma and PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) can also trigger this disorder of walking while one is fast asleep.

It is important to mention that other conditions like Thyroid issues and brain related diseases can also tend to trigger this disorder.

While sleepwalking does not require a direct treatment, you can try some methods to control it on your own. These include stress management, psychotherapy, proper sleep schedule, or treating other sleep disorders.

Also Read: This Sleep Disorder May Raise Risk Of Memory & Cognition Problems

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