Is time travel possible? Scientists explore possibilities through ‘Quantum Entanglement’

Scientists have been working on a experiment that might make ‘Time travel’ a reality; and it is not as complex as those giant machines shown in films.

Have you ever dreamt of traveling through time, like they show in movies? Well, scientists have been working and researching on a fascinating experiment that might make ‘Time travel’ a reality; and it is not as complex as those giant machines shown in films.

In a recent study published in Physical Review Letters, scientists used a concept named ‘quantum entanglement’ to create a kind of time travel simulation. This concept, which you might have seen in the 2018 film ‘Ant-Man and the Wasp,’ allows quantum particles to interact in a rather strange way.

Quantum entanglement means that the properties of two or more particles are connected, even if they are far apart. This connection happens on a tiny, quantum level, and it is not affected by the physical distance between the particles.

In the recent study conducted by scientists, they looked into something called ‘closed-timelike curves.’ These are paths that particles might take in space time, but they go backward in time. The researchers used quantum interactions on light particles to see if they could make changes that would lead to better outcomes.

The fascinating part is that they could adjust the values of the quantum particles ever after the operation had taken place, thanks to the entanglement. This means that they could further improve the results, rather than being struck with a less than ideal outcome.

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The study showed that this ‘time travel’ effect occurred about 25 percent of the time, which means that there is room for improvement. The scientists are considering using lots of these entangled particles and a filter to make sure the new, improved information gets through while getting rid of the outdated data to reduce the high failure rate.

David Arvidsson-Shukur, a quantum physicist at the University of Cambridge, explained that this experiment challenges our understanding of time and makes it seem like Quantum entanglement could create situations that look like time travel.

In simpler terms, this research suggests that time travel might not be as far-fetched as we once thought, all due to the mysterious world of quantum physics.

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