‘Ratha Katha Anukula’ ritual to be held at Puri Srimandir today

Puri: In adherence to prevailing rituals for the Sri Jagannath Rath Yatra here, the ‘anukul’ of the chariot log (Ratha Katha) will be held at Srimandir here today on the occasion of Saraswati Puja (Sri Panchami).

While the carpender servitors of the temple will commence the chariot construction work after seeking ‘Agyan Mala’ (garland of permission) for the purpose on ‘Akhaya Trutiya’, today a ‘Ratha Katha Anukula’ will mark the beginning of the process.

At least three logs collected for the purpose will be kept at the Ratha Khala (a specific place for chariot construction) during the performing of the ritual and will be shifted to  the corner at ‘Dalavedi’ as a part of the practice.

Notably, logs of ‘Asana’ and ‘Dhaura’ (specific woods) are used in the chariots and so far 57 logs have been collected from Nayagarh forests. Process to bring the rest of the logs will start soon after the completion of today’s rituals.

While a total of 765 pieces of woods are required for the chariots construction, a surplus of 537 pieces is in the stock from last year reducing the requirement to 670, this year.

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