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What is the best way to quit smoking? Read here

We all know that smoking is a nasty habit that has terrible consequences on one’s health. However, people who are addicted find it extremely difficult to quit. So what is the best way to quit smoking?

A single cigarette has enough chemicals and other harmful substances to cause diseases like cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Over 7000 chemicals are produced when a cigarette is burned.

Many of these chemicals are used in industries, construction, and cosmetics. Here are a few examples:

1. Acetone- Used in nail polish
2. Arsenic- Used in rat poison
3. Carbon Monoxide- Found in car exhaust fumes
4. Lead- Used in battery
5. Naphthalene- Used to make mothballs
6. Nicotine- Used as an insecticide
7. Tar- Used to pave roads

These chemicals destroy the human body both internally and externally. However, studies by researchers at Centro National de Intoxicaciones in Buenos Aires, Argentina, show that a plant-based substance called cytisine can aid in quitting smoking and is more effective than nicotine replacement therapy.

The study said cytisine was two times more effective than placebo and nicotine replacement therapy in more than 6000 patients across 8 different trials. It also mentioned that it is inexpensive and has no safety concerns.

Cytisine originated in Bulgaria in 1964 and spread to other Eastern European countries and Asia.

Hence, if you wish to quit smoking, you can try this substance which is available in the form of tablets. In the long run, your body will thank you.

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