SI of Police, Tomando PS under Odisha Vigilance scanner

Today on the allegation of acquisition of disproportionate assets by Abhimanyu Chaudhury, SI of Police, Tomando PS, UPD Bhubaneswar. 

Bhubaneswar: Today on the allegation of acquisition of disproportionate assets by Abhimanyu Chaudhury, SI of Police, Tomando PS, UPD Bhubaneswar.

Simultaneous house searches are being conducted by Odisha Vigilance led by three Dy. SPs, 11 Inspectors, six ASIs, and other staff on the strength of search warrants issued by Special Judge, Vigilance, Bhubaneswar at the following three places in Bhubaneswar and Nayagarh.

1) One four storeyed building over Plot No.361/901, Paiknagar, Bhubaneswar.

2) One single storeyed building at his native vilage Nachhipur, PS-Ranpur, Dist-Nayagarh.

3) Office room of the SO at Tomando PS.

Further search is in progress. Detailed report awaited.

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