New Zealand PM Christopher Luxon’s plane breaks down on way to Japan

Japan: The plane of New Zealand’s Prime Minister Christopher Luxon broke down while he was on his way to Japan on Sunday. Following the incident, the PM was forced to take a commercial flight, his office confirmed on Monday.

According to reports, the New Zealand Defence Force plane, Boeing 757 broke down during a refuelling stop in Papua New Guinea.  The incident left the business delegation and journalists stranded in Port Moresby, while Luxon flew commercial to Japan.

Informing about the incident, New Zealand Defence Minister Judith Collins told radio station Newstalk ZB on Monday that the consistent flight issues were “embarrassing” and that the ministry was looking at flying Luxon and his delegation commercially from now on.

Reportedly, the New Zealand Defence Force’s two 757s are more than 30 years old and their age has made them increasingly unreliable.

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