Neet UG 2024: Grace marks awarded to 1563 candidates cancelled

New-Delhi: The Supreme Court on Thursday (June 13) accepted National Testing Agency’s (NTA) and the Union’s decision to cancel grace marks awarded to 1,563 candidates in relation to the NEET-UG 2024 controversy.

The Counsel appearing for the Union Government informed the Higher Court that if any of these 1563 candidates are willing to know about their actual scores, they will be informed about it and they would be given an option to appear for a re-test and if those students do not wish to take the re-test, their scores based on the exam held on May 5 will be taken into account.

The NTA also assured that the process of conducting the re-examination and declaration of results will be concluded by the July 1 and the counselling for NEET UG is likely to begin on July 4. The re-examination is likely to be held on June 23 and the results are to be declared on June 30.

Previously, on June 8, the NTA and Union Education Ministry announced the formation of a 4-member committee to review the results of over 1,500 candidates who were awarded “grace marks” to compensate for the “loss of time” suffered while appearing for the NEET-UG 2024 exam.

Also Read: NEET-UG 2024 Row: Supreme Court Refuses To Stay On Counselling

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