Groom kisses bride during ‘Varmala’ in UP wedding, brawl erupts

New Delhi: The public display of affection (PDA) by a groom severely went wrong recently during a wedding in Uttar Pradesh. During ‘varmala’ exchange the groom kissed the bride which led to a controversy between both the sides. The incident took place in the Ashok Nagar area of Hapur.

As per reports, during the varmala exchange the groom kissed the bride. Reportedly, the bride side alleged that the groom forcibly kissed the girl. On the other hand the groom allegedly pleaded that the bride had insisted on being kissed following the varmala ceremony.

However, after the kiss, the two sides got engaged in verbal spat which soon took an ugly turn and members of the bride side and groom side got engaged in a physical fighting.

The Police were informed. As per reports, Police have detained 7 persons from both the sides under section 151 of Indian Penal Code. Reportedly, since no complaint had been lodged by either the groom side or bride side, a case had not been registered till this report was written.

Also read: Groom kisses bride during ‘Varmala’ in UP wedding, brawl erupts

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