Fish Oil Supplements linked to higher risk of stroke and heart problems

Fish oil supplements are an excellent source of omega- 3s, which is good for the heart and the brain. Getting your omega-3s from fish is healthier. If you don’t eat fish, fish oil supplements are a good alternative. Many people who doesn’t like to eat fish who are having fish supplements. They know the benefit of it that fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are very important for our health. Many are maintain now a proper healthy diet that’s why they don’t eat lot of oily fish , taking a fish oil supplement. That helps them to get enough omega-3 fatty acids.

Experts reported recently, regular use of fish oil supplements may increase first time heart disease and stroke risk. Fish oil is widely used to help lower cardiovascular risk. Researchers say they have found an association between fish oil supplements and higher cardiac risk among people with no diagnosed cardiovascular disease.

However, while it might seem like a good idea for healthy people to also supplement with fish oil to prevent disease, the results of a large, long-term study published, in the journal BMJ Medicine, indicate that this may not be the case. The researchers found that using fish oil on a regular basis might actually increase the risk for healthy people to go on and develop first time heart disease!

Does it increased CVD risk in healthy people

The researchers included 415,737 people from the UK Biobank study. Over half (55%) of the participants were woman, and their ages ranged from 40 to 69. The information collected about the individuals included their use of fish oil supplements and their dietary intake of oily and non-oily fish. People’s health was tracked until either their death or the end of the study in March 2021. About third people said they used fish oil supplements on a regular basis, with the majority of them being older, white and female. Among those who had no known CVD at the start of the study, regular usage of fish oil supplements was linked with a 13% increased risk of developing atrial fibrillation and a 5% greater risk of having a stroke. Basically the regular users of fish oil who had CVD at the beginning of the study saw a 15% lower risk of going from atrial fibrillation to a heart attack and 9% lower risk of progressing from heart failure to death.

What is the recommendation of experts

Experts say the difference in how fish oil affects people’s risk might be due to the fact that in healthy people, the risks associated with fish oil supplementation- such as bleeding, fatty acid imbalance, or atrial fibrillation – might outweigh any potential benefits.

For healthy people, it may be best to get omega -3 fatty acids from foods like fatty fish. Flaxseed oil, chia seeds, foods fortified with omega-3 fatty acids, CoQ10, and psyllium husk may be safer supplements for cardiovascular health.

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