Eligible candidates to get Rs 1 lakh under INAE Young Engineer Award 2022, check details

The Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) Young Engineer Award 2022 is inviting applications from young engineers having strong potential for future professional growth impact in any branch of engineering and recognizing their outstanding achievements/contributions in it.

The purpose of the INAE Young Engineer Award 2022 is to recognize outstanding achievements/contributions made by Young Engineers with strong potential for future professional growth impact in any branch of engineering.

INAE Young Engineer Award 2022 details

Eligibility for INAE Young Engineer Award 2022

  • Any citizen of India not older than 35 years holding the first tertiary degree in engineering/technology as on 1st of January 2022. However, lady nominees are eligible for age relaxation of five years for the award.

Validity of INAE Young Engineer Award 2022

  • A nomination is valid for one year only. A candidate may be nominated three times in total subject to age not exceeding 35 years. Exception is in the case of women nominees for up to 40 years.

Criteria of INAE Young Engineer Award 2022

  • Evidence of excellence in engineering research, product/process, design, technology development and transfer specific contribution submitted for consideration of the Award should have been carried out in India.

Call for Nominations of INAE Young Engineer Award 2022

  • Nominations are invited from young engineers working in academia, R&D laboratories and industry. The sponsor must be either a Fellow of INAE or Head of the Organization/ Institution where the nominee is working. The nomination is to be submitted to INAE by INAE Fellows or Head of an Organisation /Institute where the nominee is working through any of the following two methods:

I. INAE Digital Platform

(a) By INAE Fellows

The provision for Fellows to submit nominations online has been provided, through login facility of INAE Fellows at INAE Digital Platform for which the link is as under.

(b) By Head of the Organization/ Institution who are Non INAE Fellows where the nominee is working

The provision to submit nominations online through INAE Digital Platform has been provided. The link is as under.


II. Email to INAE: In case of persistent issues in submitting the nominations through INAE Digital Platform, the scanned copy of the nomination to be forwarded by email to INAE Office, New Delhi
Last Date for Nomination of INAE Young Engineer Award 2022

  • The last date for the receipt of nominations is March 31, 2022.

INAE Young Engineer Award 2022 Prizes & Rewards

  • The Award shall consist of a cash prize of Rs 1 lakh and a citation. All INAE Young Engineer Awardees will also become INAE Young Associates on the conferment of the Award and shall continue to be “INAE Young Associates” till attaining 45 years of age. The decision of the INAE Council in all concerned matters shall be final.

INAE Young Engineer Award 2022 selection procedure

  • The Award is instituted to identify, recognize and encourage young and promising talents in India who have made and are likely to continue to make outstanding contributions impacting engineering research and design, technology development and transfer. The short listed nominees will be invited to make a presentation followed by an interaction with the Selection Committee on dates to be announced later.

Presentation of the INAE Young Engineer Award 2022

  • The awardees will be invited for the INAE Annual Convention being held in December each year wherein they would be conferred with the Award and also inducted as INAE Young Associates.

Instructions to submit Nominations Online for INAE Young Engineer Award 2022

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