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Health benefits of Green or Raw Bananas that you did not know about

Green or Raw bananas, the ones that have not been turned yellow yet, are not only tasty but also packed with numerous health benefits.

Green or Raw bananas, the ones that have not been turned yellow yet, are not only tasty but also packed with numerous health benefits. Today, let us take a look at why including them in your diet can be a good idea.

Gut Health

Firstly, green bananas are rich in resistant starch. Now, you are not to get confused by the term. Resistant starch is like a superhero which does not get fully absorbed in our small intestine. Instead, it reaches the large intestine where it becomes food for the good bacteria. This helps in keeping our gut happy and healthy.

Immunity booster

These bananas are a fantastic source of essential vitamins and minerals. They contain a good amount of vitamin C, which is great for our immune system. A strong immune system means a better defense system against illnesses and infections. Plus, green bananas have vitamin B6, which is important for brain health and also the formation of red blood cells.

Blood sugar levels

Another of the key health benefits of green bananas is their impact on blood sugar levels. The resistant starch present in them helps in better blood sugar control. This is especially good news for the people with diabetes or those looking to manage their weight. The starch slows down the digestion process, preventing quick spikes in blood sugar levels.

Heart Health

For those aiming to maintain a healthy heart, green bananas are a good addition to your diet. They are low in sodium and high in potassium. Potassium is known to help regulate blood pressure and also reduce the risk of stroke. So, munching on green bananas could be a tasty way to keep your heart health in check.

Digestive Aid

Green bananas are also rich in dietary fibre. Fibre is like the broom for our digestive system. It keeps things moving smoothly, preventing constipation and promoting a healthy digestive tract. If you want to keep your stomach happy, green bananas can be a natural and delicious solution.

Weight Management

Lastly, if you are looking to shed a few pounds, green bananas might be your new best friend. The resistant starch and fiber content can help you feel full for a longer time. This can curb the unnecessary snacking and overeating, supporting your weight management goals.

In a nutshell, green bananas are a nutritional powerhouse. They support gut health, boost the immune system, regulate blood sugar, take care of your heart, aid in digestion and even assist in weight management. So, the next time you see those green bananas, grab a bunch and enjoy the tasty health benefits that they bring along.

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