Adorable! Cat and fox playing together win Internet’s heart

The internet is swooning over a video of a fox and cat interacting in a very wholesome manner. It was posted on Twitter by 'Buitengebieden'.

There are occasionally videos on the internet that show cute interactions between animals of completely different species. And without a doubt, seeing those videos at the end of a dull day can offer you a big happiness boost. The internet is swooning over a video of a fox and cat interacting in a very wholesome manner.

The video, posted on Twitter by ‘Buitengebieden’, depicts a white cat and a hairy fox sauntering in an open field. The pair can be seen playing merrily as the cat spins its tail around the fox and the fox does the same as the video progresses. The video will undoubtedly bring back memories of Timon and Pumba’s highly unlikely friendship from The Lion King for those who are Disney movie aficionados. And if you enjoy making up stories, you’ll probably be able to decipher the animals’ exchanges.

The video has garnered over 2.4 million views and tons of reactions. People couldn’t stop pointing out how cute the duo looked. Many wrote about how the video reminded them of many unlikely friendships in the animal kingdom.

People have expressed how beautiful the video is, with a person saying they want to live in their world.

Another user said that it looked like the beginnings of the next huge Marvel franchise.

Yet another user said that the fox has to be Pan, Lyra’s daemon from His Dark Materials, and the cat is Kirjava, Will’s daemon. His dark Materials is a fantasy novel series by author Phillip Pullman.

One person said that it looks like the start of an Aesop’s Fable that doesn’t end well!

Animal VideoAnimal viral videoViral video
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