5 Simple And Effective Exercises To Relieve Knee Pain

Knee is one of the most important joints in the body, which also sees a lot of strain as well as wear and tear. Knees are essential to almost anything that needs to be done in day-to-day life, like standing, kneeling, or lifting something.

Therefore, it becomes necessary to make sure that proper care is being given to this joint, which, as it happens, is quite prone to problems and injury. According to some estimates, almost 25% adults deal with knee pain, with Osteoarthritis being the most common problem in adults aged 50 or above.

High-impact activities and sports like dancing or things that involve running and jumping provide a very high risk for knee injuries. supporting excessive weight for a prolonged period of time can strain the knees by causing a breakdown in the cartilage.

Knee pain caused due to injury, surgery, or arthritis might feel remarkably better by gentle exercises for stretching and strengthening, even though it seems counterintuitive, as it helps ease the pain and improve flexibility. Keeping the knee still, on the other hand, can stiffen the joint further making the pain much worse, and to an extent which might affect your quality of life.

It is necessary to maintain a habit of exercising to ensure that knee pain stays at the minimum possible level. Here are some of the best knee exercises to manage knee pain:

Standing leg curls:

Stand straight with a small gap between your knees. Slowly bend one knee, lifting the heel off the floor. Bend the knee as much as you can. Try to hold the position for 5-10 seconds. Repeat the process with the other leg.  Remember to not stretch the toes of the bent leg or flex the feet in any way.

Half squats:

Half squats can help strengthen the hamstrings, glutes, and quadriceps, which in turn make it easier for the knee to work. This exercise does not strain the knees too much either. Stand with your feet shoulder with apart and parallel to each other. Place your hands in front of you. Keep your head straight and squat down about 10 inches, which is halfway from a full squat. Hold the position for a few seconds and stand back up. Repeat the process.

Leg extensions:

This exercise uses the body weight instead of any additional weight to strengthen, thus helping avoid extra strain on the knee. Sit up in a chair with feet flat on the ground, hip-width apart. Look straight and extend one leg as high as possible while still completely seated on the chair. Hold the position for a few seconds then lower your leg back to the starting position. Repeat the same with both legs.

Wall squats:

Place your head, shoulder, back, and hips flat against a wall. Step your feet about 20 inches away from the wall while still keeping back and shoulders against it. Keep the feet hip-width apart and slowly slide down the wall till the body is just above a normal sitting position. Hold the position for a few seconds and slide back up. Repeat the process.

Toe touches:

This is one of the most common exercises to stretch hamstrings and improve flexibility. Stand with your feet close together. Slowly bend over at the hips and stretch the arms downward. Touch the tip of the finger to the tip of the toes, and hold for as long as you can. If you are unable to touch the toes, stretch as far as possible without experiencing pain.

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