Shocking! 3-year-old girl eats sponge, foam, plaster due to this eating disorder

Wales: In a rather unusual incident, a woman from Wales shared her daughter’s unsettling situation. Due to a “rare condition,” her three-year-old daughter seems to have developed the urge to chew on objects that are unsafe to eat.

The 25-year-old Stacey, from Blackwood, shared that she has to stop the three-year-old girl Wynter from eating items like plaster off the walls, sponge, sofa foam, and even wool. Astonishing as it sounds, this unusual feeding disorder goes by the term “Pica.”

Stacey shared that Wynter was diagnosed with Autism, after which she developed this unusual feeding disorder. “Pica” urges the affected one to crave for items that are unsafe to eat.

Speaking to a global daily, Stacey shared that her daughter is “literally” eating the whole house. She even recalled having purchased a new sofa recently, chunks of which were taken out by Wynter. The mother even shared that while Wrynter is pretty fussy while eating normal food, she will happily sit down to eat a sponge.

If that was not all, she even recalled a moment of horror when her three year old broke about eight photo frames and tried to eat the pieces of glass. She further shared seeing her daughter wake up in the middle of the night and chew the bed she was sleeping in.

Information from other reliable sources tell us that the three-year-old Wynter was diagnosed with “Pica” and “Autism” in January 2024. As shared by the 25-year old Stacey, Wynter had the habit of putting random objects into her mouth even as a baby. However, it did not seem to be a suspicious activity.

Once Wynter turned 13 months old, she became stopped making verbal communications and her unusual eating habits grew multifold. Upon witnessing this, Stacey decided to visit a health care professional and seek medical help.

Also Read: Recent Study Links Taking Selfies With Eating Disorders, Read To Know More

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