Balanced Diet:: A good diet helps to prevent stomach cancer. It is rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which provide antioxidant and fiber intake. In addition, other foods like garlic, onions, ginger, and turmeric, which are elements that fight cancer may also be included. Processed and smoked meats are avoided since they contain preservatives harmful to the body.
Maintain healthy weight and regular exercise:: Of course, a healthy body weight and regular exercise reduce the risk of stomach cancer greatly. Obesity is indeed a risk factor, and it will particularly increase the chance of getting stomach cancer located in the upper part of your belly. Try to exercise your body for at least 30 minutes daily by engaging in brisk walking, cycling, swimming, and the like.
Quit Smoking and Limit Alcohol: Smoking and alcohol abuse have a high risk of stomach cancer. Stopping the smoking habit reduces the risk of stomach cancer by 50%. Alcohol intake should be limited to between 1 and 2 drinks per day.
Do Not Get Infected by H. pylori Infection: Avoid Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. One of the largest dangers to your stomach is the Helicobacter pylori infection. If recommended, take vaccination for H. pylori. Wash hands frequently, especially after toilet visit and before eating.
Regular Health Check-ups: Regular check-ups with your doctor can help prevent stomach cancer. You should consult your doctor if you have a family history or are at a great risk. Check and control your blood pressure because hyper tension is associated with stomach cancer. Seek screening for gastroesophageal reflux disease. This may increase your risk for stomach cancer.